mihrab|mihrabs in English


small niche in a mosque that points toward the direction of Mecca (the direction that Muslims should face when praying)

Use "mihrab|mihrabs" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "mihrab|mihrabs" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "mihrab|mihrabs", or refer to the context using the word "mihrab|mihrabs" in the English Dictionary.

1. Modern architects have attributed this intriguing acoustic feature to a large recess in the wall of the Mihrab and several recesses in the surrounding walls which functioned as resonators; this design helped everyone to hear the speaker at the Mihrab.

2. A niche south of the tomb is a mihrab indicating the direction of Mecca, installed when Muslims had joint rights to the church.

3. It differs from the mosque in that it lacks a mihrab, a niche in a mosque's wall facing Mecca, and the floors have a geometric design, while the mosque floor was laid out with the outlines of 569 prayer rugs in black marble.